The Myth of Dioniso
Dioniso, originally considered the god of vegetation, linked to the vital sap that flows in plants, is identified as god of ecstasy, inebriation, festivity and liberation of senses.

He represent the essence of creation in its perennial and wild flow, the divine spirit of an existence in the absolute sense, of the frenetic current that everything pervades.
Dioniso è un dio multiforme che incarna la scintilla primordiale e istintuale presente in ogni essere vivente.
He is also identified as Bacchus in the Roman Age and he was also named as LYSIOS, “the one who dissolves” mankind from ties of personal identity to reunite them with universal originality.
Dioniso mocked every law and convention, shook the conscience, crumbled rules and inhibitions by bringing men back, in a delirious vortex, to their state of primordial purity
Ritual stick attributed to the Greek God Dioniso and the followers of his cult.
Made of wood, it was surmounted by a pine cone, enveloped with ivy and wine leaflets.
Sometimes, wool bendages were knotted as symbol of consecration.
The symbolism attached to this instrument is clearly phallic, in Euripide’s “Le Baccanti” it is claimed that honey pour out from it; it represents, so, the god vital force instilled in vegetation, in animals and men.